The Nest

Welcome to The Nest

Nursery Teacher: Miss Nicholls

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Evans

Spring Week 2

In the Nest, we are exploring the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Using puppets the children retold the story and were able to repeat familiar words and phrases from the story.  

Spring Week 1

This week, the children have been building their confidence in sharing during circle time. Each child spoke about their Christmas holiday and what presents they had received from Santa and what was their favourite.  

Week 14

This week in The Nest, we have had our Nativity performance. We learnt new songs, dances, and movements, and together we performed in front of an audience 

Week 13

As part of our learning about the Christmas story, this week we had a visit from The Farm on Wheels. The children had first-hand experience of meeting a range of farm animals to bring the Christmas Nativity alive. The children dressed as Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels and Kings and met a donkey called Racket, sheep called Marvin and Barry who we took for a walk on a lead. We met chickens called Fudge and Brownie, a turkey called Ed and lastly a very friendly pet rat. What a fantastic time we had meeting and finding out about all these animals who may have lived in the stable where Baby Jesus was born. 

Week 12

This week in The Nest, we have been taking part in World Nursery Rhyme Week. In the ‘finger gym’ the children have been using their fine motor skills to build walls and balance Humpty Dumpty on top. In the art studio, the children then used their crafting skills to create their very own Humpty Dumpty. We have also been singing along to some of our favourite nursery rhymes and playing instruments.  

Week 11

The children have been learning all about road safety this week in The Nest. We spoke about the colours on traffic lights and what they mean, and how to cross the road safely remembering Stop, Look and Listen and Think.  

Week 10

This week in The Nest we have been learning to represent numbers up to 3 using our fingers. Through Ten Town, the children have explored the numbers 1,2, and 3 very closely and can now represent these numbers in a variety of ways. 

Week 9

During our first week back after half term, we have been getting ready for bonfire night. We learnt all about fire safety and have discussed rules that we must follow to stay safe, and we even became firefighters. Look at our fantastic bonfire that we built in our garden.  

Week 8

This week in The Nest, we have been learning about and celebrating Diwali. We have been using brightly coloured sand to create beautiful Rangoli Patterns, moulding clay to make Diva lamps and using playdough to form Mehndi handprints. 

Week 7

We have had a visit from Zara at Puddle ducks Swim Academy. We learnt all about how to stay safe around water. There were three important rules for us to remember:

1- Stop and Think, is it safe? Is it deep?  

2- Stay together, don't go near or in water by yourself  

3- If you get in trouble, float on your back like a star fish 


Week 6

This week, the children have been exploring the environmental changes happening around us, as we move further into our new season of Autumn. The children collected some wonderful Autumn treasures to observe and investigate during a walk around school.

Week 5

In the Nest this week, the children have been introduced to King One. King One and all his friends in Ten Town are helping us to improve our number recognition and formation. We have been identifying sets of 1 in the environment around us, building a castle for King One and creating crowns showing 1 gem, 1 shape, or one feather.  

Week 4

This week in the Nest, the children have been exploring music. We have enjoyed learning some new action songs all about Goldilocks and the three bears, as well as having a wonderful time engaging with our Music Minors session. We have learnt about movement and rhythm along with developing our ability to remember and learn words to songs.

Week 3

This week in The Nest, we have been getting messy! The children have learnt about the primary colours, red, yellow and blue. Using their hands, they explored how the paint felt and what marks they could make using different parts of their hands such as, fingers, palm and knuckles. We have even been experimenting with colour mixing. 

Week 2: Feelings.  

This week in The Nest, we have been exploring our feelings. 

We shared the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ and began to associate colours with different feelings, such as blue with sad and yellow with happy.  



Week 1 Welcome to our Nursery!

We have just completed our first week in The Nest!

This week we have been focusing on settling into nursery and building our confidence with saying goodbye to our adults at the door. We have learnt where to hang our coats up and where to put our bags. The children have been developing their awareness of our school expectations throughout the week, and putting these into practice through play and exploration of their new environment. It has been lovely to spend time getting to know each other during circle time, and sharing some of the activities and holidays we have been on during the summer holidays. 

Evidence Me

In our Nursery we use the ‘Parent Share’ feature in Evidence Me which enables you to view your child’s observations (complete with photos) via the app or web suite. Once a week you will receive an update on what your child has been learning, and the new skills they are developing.

You can send us your comments and feedback by simply adding them to the observations via the app or web suite.

You can also take an active role in contributing to your child’s observation portfolio by uploading your own observations, simply add these to the app or web suite.

 For further information and guidance, please visit:

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the school directly.