Chicks 2

Welcome to Chicks 2

We’re delighted to have you here on our dedicated Chicks 2 page, where you can stay up-to-date with your child’s weekly learning journey. Each week, we’ll share information about the exciting activities and themes we’re exploring in class, along with the key skills and concepts your child will be developing.

This page is designed to keep you informed and involved, offering insights into what your child is experiencing in Reception. We hope you find this page helpful as we work together to support your child’s learning adventure.

Class Teacher: Mrs McNamee

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ford

SEND Support: Mrs Bradley

Spring Week 2

This week we have been making our own Gingerbread men after reading the traditional story. Luckily they didn’t run away! 

Spring Week 1

This week we explored and evaluated a range of different puppets we have in our classroom. We talked about different types of puppets including finger puppets, hand puppets, glove puppets, stick puppets, string puppets, shadow puppets and human body puppets. We tried on lots of different puppets, identifying which type of puppet they are. We talked about each puppet being made from textiles. 

Week 14

This week we took part in our Christmas Play called ‘The Nursery Rhyme Nativity. We took on a role, acted out the story of the very first Christmas and sang our Christmas songs. We performed in front of an audience of our friends and families. 

Week 13

This week we have been visited by the ‘Farm on Wheels’ where we retold the Christmas story with some of the animals who feature in the story. We had the opportunity to stroke the animals and learn about them. We met a donkey, a sheep, a turkey, chickens and a rat. We even took the sheep for a walk.

Week 12

We have been learning to mix two colours together singing the song- ”Blue, red, yellow, white that’s the order strong to light” to help us. 

We learned that we start with the weaker colour and add the stronger colour to make a new colour. We explored the colour charts and named gave our colours a name. 

Week 10

This week in Chicks 2 we celebrated Odd Sock Day as part of anti-bullying week The children learned about being a kind friend to everyone. Bullying is Several Times On Purpose. We learned to say STOP if this ever happens. We have made a poster to remind each other of this important message. 

Week 9

We have been learning about different celebrations. One of these celebrations is Bonfire Night and we have been learning about why and how people celebrate it. The children made their own firework pictures using cardboard tubes, paint and glitter. 

Week 8

As part of our learning about the celebration of Diwali, we have taken part in a Bhangra dancing workshop. It was lots of fun. 

Week 7

This week ‘Key Strings visited us in school. We named and listened to string instruments. We learned that the bigger the string instrument, the lower the sound. 

Week 6

Science- The children went on an Autumn walk to explore how our school environment changes during the season of Autumn. 

Week 5

This week, we have been on a walk in our school grounds looking for fruits and vegetables which are growing. We found apples and marrows. 

Week 4

In Chicks 2 this week we have been learning about people who help us at school and the community. The children painted portraits of people who help us in school.

Week 3

We have been visited by a dental nurse this week and we have learnt how we can keep our teeth healthy. Teeth are important for eating, smiling and talking. 

Week 2: Our School Expectations  

In Chicks 2 this week, we have been learning and demonstrating our school expectations- ‘We work hard together’ ‘We are kind to one another’  ‘We are honest with each other.’ 

Week 1: Welcome to Chicks 2

Our first week in school has been amazing! We are settling well into Chicks 2, making new friends and joining in activities together.


Information for children starting Reception in September 2024

Road to School

Induction Book

Meet the teacher                                                          

Useful Websites for Home Learning 

Here is a great list of websites you can use at home:

Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

Purple Mash

Discovery Education Espresso


Bug Club